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25 février 2015 3 25 /02 /février /2015 21:14

According to the karate master Funakoshi, suspicion is the source of the evil. Humans fear the unknown.

We shall not fall into a vicious circle. In this article, I will explain how we can know who people really are.

I Frequent to know
II Value of the people
III Moral circles


I Frequent to know

You cannot know a person fast. To know somebody, you must spend a lot of time with that person. It is a major source of error to judge by appearances.

Moreover, it is important to know the past of the person, so you can understand her or his reactions.

rousse de face
Looking at someone in the eyes makes you dive into that person's mind.

II Value of the people

To rely on your friends, you must choose good people as friends. Good people are the people who make good things.

Bad people deserve to be abandoned. You must always keep on thinking to know the true value of the people, otherwise you may discriminate somebody.

There is no shame to know people better than yourself, they can be a source of inspiration.

III Moral circles

I heard that the lifestyle in Spain is a lifestyle where you always are with other people. It is very different from France, a country I'm trying to leave : people are very narrow-minded, they rely on some "friends" and don't want more, actually, the behaviour of the French is similar to an autist behaviour.

In the Spain case, it is rather a vertuous circle. In France, it is a vicious circle.
Spending a lot of time together, spending little time together : from this difference can happen either progress, either fall. Let us be social :-) .

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