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14 janvier 2015 3 14 /01 /janvier /2015 13:23

Unemployment makes people poor. Where does unemployment come from ? What can we do against it ? I shall try to answer these questions. Your point of view is welcome.

I Unemployment and richness
II Absurdity of the situation
III Solidarity against misery


I Unemployment and richness

The main way to earn money honestly is working. But working is not enough : you could work a lot to play guitar, if you sell nothing, you have no money.

People are not looking for a work, they are looking for money. It seems that free works like house work or blogging are less considered within the system.

People are not looking for money. They just want to live, and that needs good food ^_^ . Now, let us see the absurdity of unemployment.

II Absurdity of the situation

In this situation :

  • there are always people that have no job and live poor ;
  • people who don't have a job are waiting for it with their phone in a very hurry way ;
  • people who finally got a job accept little standards of working (time, money, social relationships...) ;
  • people who finally got a job are asked to produce useless things.

I am now unemployed, and I find that either unemployment and work are not attractive. But let us see what we can do ^_^ .

III Solidarity against misery

In France, we sometimes say that we only need love and fresh water. It is quite true : happiness is stronger with love than with material things. People who love you may give you roof and food ; people who don't love you may let you die.

Employers can change it all.

Let us imagine. A beautiful hill covered with trees, non-toxic little rivers, the sun. Add to this a group of humans strongly linked by love, and they may cultivate the land and share what they have.

Solidarity is the solution we have.

There is no future in the old corrupt system. As long as time passes, capitalism will be worse and worse and life outside of the system will be more and more attractive.
We cannot leave the system alone. But together, everything is possible.

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